Dream Business Dream Life
Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine is for ambitious business owners who want it all.
Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, Emma knows first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms and on this podcast, she is going to share all of that and more with you.
Emma will delve into what success actually means whilst looking at all the ways you can go and get it! You can expect raw honesty about the highs and the lows of business (and life) as Emma does not believe in fluffing things up or just showing you all the good bits…as let’s be honest there are lots of bad bits along the way!
Emma is a certified business strategist with over 18 years’ experience as a business owner and 14 years prior to that in the corporate world so be prepared for some really deep and interesting conversations that will help you to have the dream business AND the dream life!
E39: Creating a Happya® life with Clare Deacon

E38: The Aligned Way

E37: The Transition from Medicine to Entrepreneurship with Dr Tania King-Mohammed

E36: Do Less But Do It Better

E35: Alcohol Controlled my Life for Years Now I Help Others with Addiction & Anxiety with Helen Hannah

E34: Setting Ourselves Up To Succeed In The New Year!

E33: Emma's Christmas Speech 2024

E32: Is Resilience Always a Good Thing?

E31: You Can Be a Mum & Run a Successful Business with Hayley Keeber

E30: How to Stop Overthinking and Start Taking Action

E29: The Financial Targets Were Never Enough for Me with Charlotte Mather

E28: Lets Simplify Your Marketing Strategy

E27: Health Conditions Do Not Have to Stop You Building a Business with Zoe Plumley

E26: Why Did I Walk Away Instead of Changing It

E25: Let's Talk Money with Debbie Hancock

E24: It's Time to Make The Change We Want to See

E23: From Hidden to Highly Visible with Bryony Jackson

E22: Creating an Irresistible Offer That Sells on Repeat

E21: Reiki Changed my Life Forever with Niki Kinsella

E20: Making Money Without Working Crazy Hours

E19: Living your most Authentic Life with Georgie Shears

E18: Help! I Am Way off Target for my 2024 Goals

E17: Hypnotherapy Changed My Life & Now I Use It to Change Other People's Lives too with Julie Bale

E16: My 50th Birthday Reflections

E15: I Didn't Think I'd Ever Own a Business but Life Made it Happen with Andrea Rainsford