Dream Business Dream Life
Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine is for ambitious business owners who want it all.
Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, Emma knows first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms and on this podcast, she is going to share all of that and more with you.
Emma will delve into what success actually means whilst looking at all the ways you can go and get it! You can expect raw honesty about the highs and the lows of business (and life) as Emma does not believe in fluffing things up or just showing you all the good bits…as let’s be honest there are lots of bad bits along the way!
Emma is a certified business strategist with over 18 years’ experience as a business owner and 14 years prior to that in the corporate world so be prepared for some really deep and interesting conversations that will help you to have the dream business AND the dream life!
Dream Business Dream Life
E36: Do Less But Do It Better
Us business owners have some much to do...marketing, selling, strategising...feeding the cat!
So how an earth can we grow as that means doing EVEN more...or does it?
In this episode I explore doing less...but doing it better as a concept.
Want to connect? Find me here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamemmahine
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Website: https://www.emmahine.co.uk
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaHineStrategy
Hello & welcome to Dream Business Dream Life, helping ambitious people, like you, to grow a business they love.
I’m Emma Hine and I’m on a mission to show you that it is possible to grow a business without sacrificing your life.
Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, I know first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms.
On this podcast I'm going to share with you lots of tips and advice that will enable you to grow a business that gives you the financial freedom to live the life of your dreams while sharing with you some inspirational growth stories from other fabulous business owners.
Ready to live the dream? Then let’s get stuck in…
Hello & Welcome to today’s episode of Dream Business Dream Life.
As business owners we have so much to do.
Social media…Email marketing…Networking! And don’t forget creating offers, managing clients, and updating your website.
And then there is responding to enquiries, checking our metrics and remembering to feed the cat inbetween.
How an earth can we grow when we are already full to bursting; there are simply no more hours in the day for so many of us.
Well today I want to talk about a concept which says that growing your business isn’t about doing more…it’s doing less, but doing it better.
When most people think about growing their business, they think it means adding more.
More offers, more marketing channels, more clients.
But that is not the only way…and that is definitely not the simplest way.
It’s like cooking. If you’re trying to make 10 dishes at once, chances are none of them will taste amazing….in fact it’s quite likely at least one will be burnt to a crisp. But if you focus on just one dish, you can nurture it and make it taste and look amazing. The same principle applies to your business
I have always challenged the fact that we can multitask…we really can’t not properly anyway.
Because when you’re not spreading yourself too thin, you can pour your energy into doing one thing really well. Which ultimately creates better results for you and your clients.
If you focus on selling just one offer it makes it easier for you to market as you only have one thing to create and one thing to talk about. And as you are focussed on that one thing you will sell more.
What we focus on gets done…right?
You can also save time and resources by doing less. So instead of juggling multiple tasks, you get to focus on what truly moves the needle for your business.
If your best clients come from Instagram, why waste time trying to work out how an earth to use TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube at the same time? Focus more time and effort to the thing that’s working, Instagram, and you will get even more clients.
When you focus deeply on one area, you become known for it. This builds your reputation and makes it easier for ideal clients to find and trust you.
So focussing on less will enable you to do a better job which has to be a win for you and your clients.
When you’re scattered across multiple offers, platforms, or audiences, it’s easy to lose sight of what actually works.
So by focusing on fewer things, you create clarity. Not just for you, but for your audience too. They’ll instantly understand what you do and how you can help them.
Most successful businesses aren’t successful because they do everything. They succeed because they do a few things exceptionally well.
Your clients don’t care if you offer ten services…they care if you’re the best at solving their problem.
Apple don’t make hundreds of products. They focus on a few, like the iPhone and the iPad, and make them amazing.
I’m sure you have heard of the 80/20 rule…well 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. So the trick is identifying that 20%. What is the 20% that drives you the most growth as that is where you need to focus your time and effort.
In my ecommerce business most of our sales came from 20% of our product range so when we wanted to do less, we chose to double down on those 20% and stop selling the rest…it meant we could stock less stuff, become more profitable and ultimately help to reduce the risk of further burnout.
Because the real cost of doing too much is burnout. When you try to do too much, you end up overworking and underdelivering. This doesn’t just affect your results, it affects your energy, your creativity, and your passion for the business.
If you are trying to launch a podcast, a new membership and a group program at the same time something is eventually going to give.
When you’re offering too many things or targeting too many audiences, people don’t know what to choose; people are confused, and you are exhausted.
So this all sounds great right? But where do you begin?
We need to start by doing a bit of an audit on your business.
First you need to write down everything you are currently doing…all your offers, your marketing channels, and your daily tasks.
Then ask yourself three questions:
1. What’s making me money?
2. What’s bringing me joy?
3. What’s draining my energy with little return?
Then I want you to pick one thing you can double down on; one thing you can do better.
It could be your signature offer, your favourite social media platform or a specific group of clients.
Be clear why you are picking that one things so If your signature offer generates 80% of your revenue, focus on improving and marketing that instead of creating new offers.
If you get 75% of your leads from networking, focus on that instead of trying to learn TikTok or Instagram.
If you really dislike something, then don’t pick that…pick something you enjoy as you are far more likely to stick at it if you enjoy it.
Then once you’ve narrowed your focus, go all in.
Once you have cracked that one thing and got it working like a dream then you can move onto the next thing.
So here’s your homework: Write down one thing you can stop doing this week and one thing you’ll focus on doing better. Maybe you’ll pause that new launch or simplify your marketing. Whatever it is, commit to doing less…but doing it better.
Remember, growing your business doesn’t require you to be everywhere and doing everything. You just need to focus on the right things and do them well.
So don’t let the pressure to ‘do more’ distract you from doing what truly matters. Sometimes, the most powerful move you can make is to simplify and go deeper, not wider. Do less, do it better, and I think you will love the results.
Thank you for listening; see you next time…
You have been listening to Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine. If you want to know more about how I can help you to build your dream business and your dream life, then visit my website emmehine.co.uk. Until next time remember you really can have it all!