Dream Business Dream Life
Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine is for ambitious business owners who want it all.
Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, Emma knows first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms and on this podcast, she is going to share all of that and more with you.
Emma will delve into what success actually means whilst looking at all the ways you can go and get it! You can expect raw honesty about the highs and the lows of business (and life) as Emma does not believe in fluffing things up or just showing you all the good bits…as let’s be honest there are lots of bad bits along the way!
Emma is a certified business strategist with over 18 years’ experience as a business owner and 14 years prior to that in the corporate world so be prepared for some really deep and interesting conversations that will help you to have the dream business AND the dream life!
Dream Business Dream Life
E31: You Can Be a Mum & Run a Successful Business with Hayley Keeber
Imagine walking into your dream job and being met with 'If I'd known you were a mum I wouldn't have recruited you'. Well that is exactly what happened to Hayley.
In this episode we are going to explore how Hayley took that as her sign to make huge changes to not only her life as a mum but also that of others who want to grow a business they love AND be a mum!
Who is Hayley?
Hi im Hayley Keeber, im a qualified business strategist, freedom expert to mumpreneurs and mum of 3. My passion is helping mumpreneurs to build, grow and scale their businesses around their family, allowing them true time freedom to build a successful business and spend time with their family. After experiencing discrimination for being a mum in my previous job, I made it my mission to help mums to work and build a life on their terms.
Hayley's Links:
Hayley Keeber (Instagram)
Want to connect? Find me here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamemmahine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/behappybesuccessful
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emma-hine
Website: https://www.emmahine.co.uk
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaHineStrategy