Dream Business Dream Life

E18: Help! I Am Way off Target for my 2024 Goals

Emma Hine Episode 18

It may be heading towards the end of the year but that does not mean we cannot hit our goals. It is not too late!

In this episode I walk through what you CAN do to hit those goals.

Let's make the rest of 2024 count!

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Hello & welcome to Dream Business Dream Life, helping ambitious people, like you, to grow a business they love.

I’m Emma Hine and I’m on a mission to show you that it is possible to grow a business without sacrificing your life. 

Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, I know first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms.

On this podcast I'm going to share with you lots of tips and advice that will enable you to grow a business that gives you the financial freedom to live the life of your dreams while sharing with you some inspirational growth stories from other fabulous business owners. 

Ready to live the dream? Then let’s get stuck in…

Hello & Welcome to today’s episode of Dream Business Dream Life.

As we approach the final quarter of 2024, I thought it was a great time to talk about how we can make the most of the time we have left this year.

Instead of thinking about the things we have not done, lets focus on the things we can do.

Let’s spend the rest of the year really making a difference, a difference to our business, to our lives, our cashflow and our ultimately our happiness.

At the start of 2024 you set yourself some goals, some big audacious things that you want to achieve.

You were super motivated and determined to make it all happen and now we are getting towards the end of the year you are starting to question if it is possible.

Maybe you have even decided it is not already?

What happened? Why did you go from determined to doubting? 

I tell you what happened, things did not go the way you wanted them to go.

Hurdles and challenges got put in your way. 

And as you started to slip further and further away from the goal you started to give up. 

You let yourself believe it was not possible, that the goal was too big. That you are not ready for it.

So, you stopped trying and you started to try different things instead.

Things you had not planned to do.

Things that distracted you from your real goals.

Things that were often down to desperation rather than desire.

But let me tell you know it is not too late, you have plenty of time to hit those goals, but you have to get yourself back on track and right now is the perfect time to do it.

 September always feels like the start of a new year.

 Every September I feel like I need to get myself off to WHSmith to buy a new pencil case and matching stationary ready for the start of a new year.

 In business I find that alot of business owners also see this as the right time to get focussed on the rest of the year.

 Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we are moving into a new season...Autumn is a lovely season after all.

 Or maybe it's because the kids have gone back to school, and we finally get some time to focus on our business again.

 Whatever it is...I love the energy it brings.

 September feels like the perfect time to rest and refocus.

So, let’s use this energy, this desire to start afresh and let’s make the rest of 2024 count.

 Let’s make this month the one where we work on our goals and start achieving the things we really want.

 Let’s implement that “new year” mentality and let’s focus on taking action.

 It might not be a new year - but it’s time for a new start.

 Let's embrace it with open arms!

 But how? How do we get ourselves back on track…I mean the plan is covered in dust and you have kind of gone off-piste quite a lot so is it even possible? 

It sure is possible.

 The first thing you need to do is look at where you are now in comparison to where you were when you set the goals.

 So start by reviewing what has gone well and what has not gone so well.

 What did you do that worked and what did you do that didn’t work.

 Why haven’t you hit some of the goals, be honest, if it because you got scared and gave up then that is ok; you can only change it if you know what it is that stopped you.

 Are the goals still relevant? 

 It is absolutely ok to decide they aren’t. Sometimes the reason we do not achieve our goals is because they are not OUR goals. They do not feel aligned to us, but we set them because we assumed they were the next logical step.

 Goals have to be ours; we have to really want them.

 We have to be passionate about them and we have to be totally bought into why they are our goals.

 Our goals have to be aligned with our dream.

 Sometimes it is not the over aching goal that is the problem it is the way we have said we will do it.

 So, if the goal is to make an extra £1k per month, great,

 But if you are already full to bursting with clients then there is no point saying you will make it by adding one more client into your week.

 That is just going to overwhelm you even more so the goal needs to be something like to create £1000 worth of recurring revenue, money that you can earn without having to trade it for your time.

 So, if the goals are not relevant or aligned tweak them first. Get them clear in your mind and make sure you are 100% behind them.

 And at this stage accept it is ok to move goals back if it’s going to be totally impossible to achieve them but only do that if it’s impossible not because you are afraid to try.

 Ok, now it is time to start breaking those goals down.

 Take the fear away by breaking the big goal down into monthly, weekly and daily mini goals and from now forwards focus on those mini goals, just checking in on the big one once a month.

 You will be amazed how much closer you get to that big goal each month just by focussing on the mini tasks.

 Lots of teeny actions equals huge progress over a month.

 And a teeny goal feels far more achievable than that big scary one.

 We have to believe we can hit these goals and sometimes that is really hard when it is so scary so this exercise can help you to believe.

 And once you believe you will start to do the things you need to do.

 Now, if you struggle with accountability, then get yourself into an accountability group of some sort.

 It is amazing how much more stuff we get done when we know there is a check in point coming up.

 There are lots of paid and free ways out there to get this accountability so find the thing that works for you.

 In my world there is weekly accountability posts in both my free group and in my membership, and I host my Dreamers & Doers community which is hugely focused on getting stuff done.

Get yourself into one of these communities or go and find yourself an accountability buddy where you support and push each other.

 If you think you are great at accountability, yet you are struggling to hit your goals, maybe you need to rethink that as something is stopping you doing the things and 9 times of out 10 it is accountability.

 Ok so we have a clear set of goals that we love.

 We have broken them down into mini tasks; things that are not overwhelming and much less scary.

 We have put a process in place to make sure we are doing the things.

 So now we just need to go and get them done.

 Reviewing where we are at every month and tweaking as we go.

 The key here is to get that mojo back.

 To get totally behind the goals and to set yourself a clear plan of what you will be doing when.

 Now is the time to stop thinking about it and to start doing it.

 So, get clear and what do you need to do to make it happen.

 Get clear on why you are doing it and celebrate each and every mini task you tick off that list.

 We often forget to celebrate the little wins; well don’t. The more you celebrate the more motivated you will feel to keep going.

 Remember there is still a big chunk of time left to make a huge difference to your life and your business this year so don’t let yourself get pulled into that I have no time left so I’ll do it next year mentality.

 You have lots of time to do lots of things this year so go and do them.

 Thank you for listening; see you next time…

You have been listening to Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine. If you want to know more about how I can help you to build your dream business and your dream life, then visit my website emmehine.co.uk. Until next time remember you really can have it all!