Dream Business Dream Life

E19: Living your most Authentic Life with Georgie Shears

Emma Hine Episode 19

Having battled with depression and anxiety from a young age Georgie has had to overcome numerous challenges whilst suffering with debilitating panic attacks.

But she found a way to not only change her life but to change the lives of others too; it is called SHIFT.

In this episode we dive into Georgie's ups downs and everything in between whilst exploring the things that we need to prioritise in life...and business.

Georgie is a passionate Life Design Strategist and trusted ‘right hand woman’ to high-achieving business founders. She supports entrepreneurs in maintaining whole-life fulfilment through success, balanced mental and physical health, strong personal connections, and continual realignment with their true priorities. Drawing from her own journey from anxiety to success, Georgie’s framework challenges them to redefine ‘success’ and what’s possible, equipping them with lifelong tools to design and live an authentic life they truly love.

Georgie's links:


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Hello & welcome to Dream Business Dream Life, helping ambitious people, like you, to grow a business they love.

I’m Emma Hine and I’m on a mission to show you that it is possible to grow a business without sacrificing your life. 

Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, I know first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms.

On this podcast I'm going to share with you lots of tips and advice that will enable you to grow a business that gives you the financial freedom to live the life of your dreams while sharing with you some inspirational growth stories from other fabulous business owners.

Ready to live the dream? Then let’s get stuck in…

Hello, and welcome to today's episode of Dream Business, Dream Life. Today, I'm joined by the amazing Georgie Shears. Georgie is a passionate life design strategist and trusted right hand woman to high achieving business founders. She supports entrepreneurs in maintaining whole life fulfillment through success, Balanced mental and physical health, strong personal connections, and continual realignment with their true priorities.

She's an absolutely amazing human being, and I am delighted to be chatting with her today. Hello, Georgie. Great to have you here. 

Well, I need to take you along with me everywhere. Thanks so much, Emma. And I'm delighted to be invited here. You know how much I love your company. So thank you so much. 

My absolute pleasure.

Right. You know me, I love to dive straight in. So let's dive straight into this. Tell me your growth story. 

Ah, right, okie dokie. I mean, how long have we got? So we're going to start at a very poignant piece, okay. I am going to go back to 2020, um, really is where we're going to start, but just to explain that I've had a kind of lifelong  feeling of not feeling good enough, I guess, and that remained with me due to loving home, all the rest of it, I just had a pretty useless father,  and just that one little seed.

Left this thread going through my life that I wasn't good enough, people pleasing, trying to make everybody know I was good enough, bending myself to fit, basically, which you know leaves you never fitting in.  Then I went through some pretty bad relationships. I was having horrific panic attacks. I went through a time in my life probably from being about  26 for three years, where I'd wake up in the morning and the panic attack would last all day.

It was utterly horrific. Again, I wasn't in a life that I even recognised. I don't even know who I was back then. It doesn't feel like me talking about that person.  I met my husband about 15 years ago. My life changed very much. It was someone who was very like me. I will race through this bit. I had my gorgeous daughter.

I had everything the success boxes want to tick. Sorry, I'd left my boyfriend and gone bankrupt and lost everything. But I tell you what, when I left him and I had nothing, I found me.  So just, I think that's a really poignant piece. Then I met my husband and we went on to have my gorgeous daughter and, but again, I had everything, I ticked all the boxes, I had financial security by this point, a good job, a, you know, all the things that you tick and I was allowed to stay, I'm sorry, able to stay at home with my daughter, which was magical.

She was all I'd ever wanted and I lost me and I became very passive aggressive and resentful and about, not about being with her, being with her was amazing. But how come you get to go out and work, and how come you get to build all this, and that happened, da da da. Anyway, then, as always, I listened in to the voices inside, and I'm like, You need to do something about this, and I went and followed my lifelong passion, which was fitness training, anything to do with health, longevity, getting the most out of this one precious life that we have, which is still My massive passion, burning passion, gets bigger every year.

Went and trained as a PT, not enough for me. Kept learning, learning, learning, became an individual design coach, helping humans get the very most out of this world. So  did that thriving business, had my son along the way as well. Literally everything I ever wanted. In comes COVID 2020.  Very sadly, this came at the same time as my deep breath.

Um, cousin was in her final stages of cancer. That's a hard one for you too.  And  health anxiety had always been the way that anxiety kind of manifested with me. The panic attacks was always because I had something undiscovered. Of course I didn't, but that was what happened. That was what my brain was telling me. 

I shut down my in person business, have my children homeschooling at home, which I very much wanted, very much felt lucky. Sadly started having horrific panic attacks again and couldn't let them see that happening.  And the turning point for me, the real growth journey, the major growth journey happened when I found myself collapsed in a heap in a sort of makeshift gym and made myself at home. 

I'd had a panic attack in the kitchen because like an idiot I'd been watching the news with the rising death tolls and I just panicked in my head I was definitely going to be struggling on a ventilator.  So I'd gone upstairs to get on my exercise bike. Exercise being a way I'd learned to manage my anxiety and my body, because bodies are very clever, just went, no, you're not ignoring this.

And it just collapsed. My hips were in pain. I was just in a heap on the floor, trembling, thinking, how the hell am I going to do this? I've got my children downstairs. They can't see me like this.  And I literally sat there and it was almost like something, some massive power rose up in me and just went, you have got to get better.

You have got no choice this time. There's no running. You're in lockdown. So I got my phone and I searched, how do I stop a panic attack now?  And I saw a meditation. I'm like, Oh, really? Yeah. Meditation, whatever.  But I was desperate. So we did it and it stopped it.  And it was in that moment, I sort of put two and two together.

And I was like, you've just been watching the news and had a panic attack. A meditation that cost you nothing has just stopped it.  And in that moment, I'm like, so don't ever watch the news again. And I haven't, I don't.  It's now 2024 because I can't deal with it. You know, each to their own. I now know listening to my body, I can't deal with it. 

But meditation. So I start looking into meditation. I'm like, oh,  how do I help myself get over anxiety? And a lot of it is about tuning into your intuition. the messages your body is already sending you. So, cut it short, because I could go on forever, I just took a deep dive into all this stuff I'd previously rolled my eyes at.

I'm like, who knew limiting beliefs even existed? I thought the things you told yourself in your head were true. You know, I thought I wasn't good enough. I wasn't capable of this. People like me couldn't have this. What a load of bull, right? So, this has been such a change of point. So, I deep dived into all these things.

Meditation, tuning into your intuition, getting quiet and hearing yourself, knowing what you're really capable of, because beyond not thinking it was good enough, there was always a sense of, you know, you're made for big things and you'll always be all right. That was even deeper down and here I was allowing it to come out,  but not only for me. 

I realized that what I had here was the missing piece in my jigsaw of helping humans get the most out of life, and I didn't have to physically be there to help them do this bit. I could deliver this stuff online during lockdown, so I set myself I had never even been on a Zoom call, Emma, by this point.

In fact, when I did go on my first one, I was bright red and trembling. Honestly, ridiculous when I look back now. So,  yeah, so I Got myself completely better. I can honestly say I have not had a panic attack since then. That's four years ago. Anxiety is a thing of the past. I think I had a pang of it because it came up on a memory about a year ago.

I just don't get anxiety. I never do now. And I see it as a.  If I feel any of those feelings, I now know it's just a message from my body saying something's out of alignment. Listen in. So anyway, I was like, right, I need to get this out to the world. I need to shout from the rooftops. We've all got this free toolkit that can help us really thrive and become what we want.

And I launched shift and I developed my shift life design system off the back of it, which is just a framework I use myself to help you get better. Now that is my growth story. And here I am still growing, still learning every day, still applying the habits more and more all the time, slowly, slowly integrating them into my life.

So they stick. Never don't like them. I get rid of them. I love them.  Here they stay. And yeah, that's my story in a little whirlwind for you. Fantastic. 

Absolutely. I absolutely love it. I can see, um, and anybody that's watching this on YouTube will see that too, absolutely see and hear your passion about, about not only how, I'm going to use the word proud, proud of yourself that you are in terms of your journey and how you have overcome something. 

Which could have been life changing for you, couldn't it? It could have made you a completely different person if you'd have let that continue. Um, so how you've changed that for you, but then how you've gone on to, um, you know, to build yourself a business that, as you said, is still growing, but that's life, isn't it?

Everything is always still growing. When we get to this stage, we always want the next one, don't we? We always want the next stage, you know, as long as we're enjoying it along the way.  I want to first touch on one of the things that you said right at the very beginning. Um, well it's probably in the middle.

Let's go into the middle. Um, you, you said that, you know, when, when you were collapsed on the floor and you thought, I have to do something, this cannot continue. And you said that you Googled, We all do this, don't we? We Google things, you know, how can I solve this problem? And it threw up something that your gut reaction was to turn around and go, no meditation.

How's that going to help me? Um, and I think that's a key thing that I think I'd love to chat a little bit more about with you. Cause I imagine you get that with, with your clients, they'll, they'll come along. They're in a position where, you know, they know that they need to do something about it. And you're going to say to them, this thing is going to help you.

And their gut reaction is going to be. Nah, that's not going to help me. 

Of course. So, do you know what I've started to do with that? And this is always learning because  it is not for me to change somebody's mind. They have to be ready to make a change. However, I have to make it accessible. And the word meditation for me, what that showed me was somebody sitting on a hill, legs crossed, chanting Om.

And I've never done anything like that. I don't do any of that. Meditation for me is just getting quiet. So, I don't do that. What I call it now, and I'm about to release a load actually, is audio recordings to release anxiety. Who doesn't want that? It's the prime thing people ask me about, is anxiety. And I have to say, people are really resistant to trying these things.

They'll try everything around it,  apart from these things, because they are seen as woo woo or I haven't got time for that. And actually, like you're saying, when you feel like you haven't got time, that's the time you need to take to just get quiet. Because it quietens all the noise and creates this massive time that we all need.

But you're right, people are resistant. However, they tune in and watch the way I deliver and it's very down to earth. And they're like, Uh, you seem pretty normal. Don't know about normal, but you know, pretty mainstream, busy brain like we all are. So they are a little more willing to, all right, well, if you're trying it, I'll give it a go.

And of course the results are there for themselves. So. 

Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's the same in anything, isn't it? You know, you've obviously grown your business. You know, that it's a, it's a bit of an uncomfortable journey at times, isn't it? Because we have to do things that, that somewhere within our mind, those limiting beliefs that you spoke about earlier are telling us.

No, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't for you. You're not going to step over that door. So it's quite a, it's quite a, an uncomfortable journey, isn't it? To grow a business, but it's when you actually take that first step, when you allow yourself to just try. Give it a go, because what's the worst that can 

happen?  Do you know what the worst that can happen for me is?

And this is the thing that sits underneath everything, looking back at my life and thinking, why didn't I just dare and do that?  Honestly, that's my biggest thing. So, you know, I spoke on a stage for you. I was terrified, because one of my things is, I could never speak in front of people.  Do you know what I mean?

I'm about, I'm about to do IdeasFest, right? It was a load of rubbish. It was just a message holding me back. And is it uncomfortable? My God, yeah. However, you know how exciting is uncomfortable at times when you've done it. Exactly. Look at you, you know, you're doing this. I'm sure when you first set up a podcast, you don't got a clue how to do it when you first do it.

Who knows?  Exactly. 

I put off starting this podcast for, um, a couple, literally a couple of years, literally a few years. Now, okay, there was the messy little bit in the middle that we all know about that affected everything. But generally, it took me two years to actually force myself, and that is the word I'm going to use.

I had to force myself to say, well, why can't you do it? you know, what, what is stopping you? Oh, I can't do the tech. I can't do it. I was just going to say about the 



the thing. Exactly.  

Exactly. And it's not as complicated as you think, you know, when you sit there and what I, what I do, and I know you're a strategist too, Georgie. 

Brian probably thinks the same. You'll sit and create a thing that says, what do I actually need to do? Forget all the fancy stuff that sits around it. But what are actually the basic things that I need to do and focus on one at a time. And before you know it, you've got a live podcast and you think, well, that wasn't actually as hard as I thought it was.

Um, and, and, and. That's the key, isn't it? It's taking that first step to doing it. And when you got on that stage for me at the growth event, I mean, it was my first ever growth event too. So I was equally feeling really, really nervous. You absolutely smashed it. You smashed it. So did 

you.  And I think really important to know, and this is something I did not realize before this journey.

Every time you do something that's out of your comfort zone and you make yourself do it, you've done it and you grow in confidence. Now I used to think, no, I've got to wait until I feel confident before I can go and do it. That's been a real key gold piece of learning for me is that you only get comfortable, so confident, after you've done the thing. 

That is how you grow in confidence is continually nudging that comfort zone, daring do the things and feeling that pride in yourself and you want it more and more. 

Yeah, exactly. From healthy 

dopamine to healthy dopamine. 

Exactly. Exactly. And also I think it's, you know, just to point out that it doesn't matter what stage in business you are at, you will reach a point where you feel uncomfortable again, because growth happens all the way along your journey.

So as soon as you get, as soon as you start to get comfortable, the next step is. You're going to go to from comfortable is uncomfortable because it follows, you know, as long as you're growing, you're going to get uncomfortable, but it's amazing, isn't it? That's why I love, and I'm sure you do this too, personally and with your clients, reflection.

I love sitting and looking back at how far you've come, even sometimes in the last week, the last day, the last month, the last six months, because often we sit here and say, Oh, I've hardly done anything this month.  Hardly done anything. I've had a really rubbish month. I've achieved nothing. I've took nothing off my list.

And then, you know, we'll sit and have the conversation and say, okay, so let's have a look. Let's think about some of the things you have done. Did you do that the month before, but you've done it this month? Okay. Tick. You've done one thing. Yeah. So reflection is really powerful, isn't it? To look back at where you were and to look at where you are now.

Yeah, and often that thing, in addition to that, it's that feeling of, it's not working because it's not as quick as you thought, and that's another valuable piece, is make sure you reflect on how far you have come, because even if you think it's not working, it's like, where were you a year ago? Where were you now?

So yeah, maybe it's not exactly as you thought it would be at this stage that you just imagined, but how much further are you on? than you were. That is amazing. So imagine this time next year, where this time, 10 years, where are you going to be? Who, you know, it's massive. It's gorgeous reflection, isn't it?

If you do it like that. 

Yeah, absolutely love it. I absolutely love it. And I encourage people to do more of it, to absolutely do more of it. Some people say that they don't like to look back, but I actually think it's good to look back. As long as you're comfortable with it, I get why some people don't.

There's places people don't want to go back to. Um, I completely get that, but, you know, sitting and reflecting and thinking about it is to me is a massive, massive thing. 

Even daily, if you don't want to go back far, you know, I think another  dead simple one I picked up was, um, everyone's so happy to write this massive never ending to do list, which is exhausting.

Just try writing a done list. That's so nice. 

Yeah. All the things 

I've already done and there's loads 

of them. Already done, already done. I'm in favour of, recently I've gone back to um, to, to put in some action, my daily actions go on a paper diary. Because I found that for me, the physical crossing them off, the physical sitting there and scribbling it off, and I know you can do that on things like Trello and everything else, but for me.

Not today. It wasn't the same. It wasn't making me feel as, as, as, as satisfied as, as, as motivated. And now I've gone back to this paper diary. I absolutely love it. Absolutely love the fact that I write down every day. These are the teeny little things that I'm going to do and just crossing them off. Gives me such a sense of achievement.

Okay. Sometimes the things still be on there, but I'll cross them off the next day. You know, that that's how it happens. So it's finding your way of doing that. Isn't it? I've been able to say, you know, I took loads of stuff off my list.  

You hit the nail on the head is It's finding your way actually in everything.

So I agree with you. Some people love the electronic thing. Some people love the paper thing and you know how it feels for you. Just said yourself when I'm using Trello or just didn't do it for me. That's you. You notice your energy in life. If we notice our energy with the business we're creating, with the clients we're taking on, with the people we're working with, all of it,  it's noticing what feels good and right for us.

Actually, on the Ticky Off thing, I've just found the remarkable digital notepad, which has served me wonderfully. So I don't have paper and I don't have electronic. I have a pretend paper that serves as the same thing, but now I don't need a million notebooks. It's awesome. All in one. So that's my new thing.

There you go. Amazing. Do you know, I 

bought, bought one. Um, I've had one for a couple of years and never used it. Oh, you go, you see. Yeah.  Yeah, absolutely. It is. It is absolutely completely. We're all, we're all different aren't we? We all like using different ways of doing it, but everybody I know that loves the remarkable loves the remarkable. 

Yeah. And that's why with the tools I provide and you and all of us as strategists and helping human beings.  There has to be a wide variety in adaptability. It is absolutely not a cookie cutter, one size fits all in any way. You have a framework you work to, and within that framework, there are various ways of working and doing things to suit everybody.

So you can all make your own version. 

Exactly. Exactly. There definitely is no such thing as a cookie cutter when it comes to strategy is that there is no such thing as, if you do this, this, and this, the magic will happen. Yes, there's things that you have to do, but now you do it.  is completely bespoke to you, isn't it?

And I think, I think, I think that's why me and you are so very much aligned because for both of us, it's Although we come at this from different angles and we do different things to help our clients. But we both come at this from an angle of, we just want our clients to be happy. We just want them to be fulfilled and have the life that they want, stroke business that they want.

Um,  all part of it. Gorgeous. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I think, I think there's, I think there's more and more of that coming out there, isn't there? I think more and more people are realizing that your story talked about it a lot and your story gave The goose bumps in a couple of places, your story very much talked about that, you know, had all of the things, but my story is very much, I had all of the things, but,  and we want to get rid of that, but don't we, we want to get rid of that.

You know, if you want all of the things, that's fine, but do you actually want them at any expense? 

I like to say, I think, don't get me wrong, having money gives you choices and freedom and experiences, but you can have all the money in the world and be so lonely.  You know, I've been doing a bit of research on happiness at the moment for a talk I'm doing, and it's something like 60  percent of People who report are conventionally successful, report feeling lonely and unfulfilled.

You know, that,  I, I like to say that I, because of the panic attacks, have come at this a different way. And because of my background in health, fitness, lifestyle, all the sort of human element, it's, I'm doing this, but Before my business gets so hugely successful that way that I know what the foundational things that make me happy are.

And now I'm helping people the other way around who they can teach me at the same time. You know, they've built these hugely successful businesses and they're my mentors,  but in turn, I'm helping them find the happiness, peace underneath it, or keep those connections. Because you see it in this world all the time.

Health suffers. mental and physical. And if you ain't there to steer the ship or enjoy the journey, what's the point in it? Exactly that. Exactly that. Yeah. We're both in that, aren't we? We're both agree. Yeah. 

Absolutely. And for me, the really sad thing is that a lot of people don't always get that until they've already reached that point of whether it's burnout, whether it's unhappiness and, and that I think is, is, is our job, isn't it?

In this world to, to, to, to show people and to empower people to realize that actually this is the foundations of. Life, this is the foundations of business that, you know, you have to be the,  the main part of that. Your happiness needs to be the main part of that because a happy you is a better mom, a better sister, a better auntie, a better grandma, a better business owner.

You know, you're a much better person full stop if you are  exactly that,  exactly that. And it's that word, isn't it? It's tough. Feeling successful, not just looking successful. 

And you know that very well with your story. But I think also important to know is that you and I have both learned this through our own experiences.

And there is no shame in having burnt out or done it the. Wrong way, or there is no wrong way because it's all part of the journey that gets you where you are now. Didn't the important part is noticing where you are now, taking stock, feel, take the time to process how you feeling and be honest with yourself and take the action to get some help.

If you know, it's not quite working. I think with me, people are quite scared that I'm going to take them away from their business that they've been growing. So I wouldn't dream of it. It's not about that. It's about supporting you. Far more productive in your business rather than just that.  That noise constantly, the panic, cause you can't, genuinely, like, physiol I can't think of what the word is now, cause that's my age.

But you know, your brain does not work properly if you're in fight or flight, and that's what that situation, so the work I do is helping you calm down from that, and you. So, you can think clearly, you're productive, you know, we work strategies out, you do, I do, come from different angles, and managing all that so that the whole life piece is enjoyable. 

Yeah. Yeah. And I think it's also for, you know, for anybody that's listening, it's about, this is for everybody. This isn't just for the lucky few or the ones that have got this or that or the other, you know, support or whatever behind them. This is for everybody. Everybody can have a life that they love.

Everybody can have a business that they love. They absolutely can. It's just having the right people. Tools in your toolkit. And you know, something you mentioned earlier on Georgie, it's getting to know your own triggers, isn't it? It's getting to know the things that are potentially gonna put you out of alignment so you can flick yourself back to where you need to go to.

You know, if that's not listening to the news or if that's not putting yourself into certain groups and communities, then you, you do what you need to do and know  that is okay. It is absolutely. I know that you're gonna.  

Yeah, you're still gonna have all the emotions. Happiness is not like, Woohoo, joy, rapture, skipping every day.

It's not that at all. It's the general feeling within yourself and within your life. You're still gonna have emotions. You've got to, and you've got to feel them and process them and use those as guides. As to where you do and don't want to be or how certain things you've done or are going through make you feel, you know, it's all, and happiness and a full life looks totally different to each and every person.

Instagram leads us to believe that there's only one way. Doesn't it? I know we're all a bit more knowledgeable than to think it really does these days, but  we still can't help be swayed and compare. Yeah, exactly.  Yeah, our own journey has to be our own journey. Otherwise you don't feel that fulfillment and happiness.


exactly. And I think this comes for me. I talk about, you know, if you want to grow a business, you've got to grow alongside it. And this is something that I've been talking about.  This is some of the stuff I'm talking about. You know, a lot of people will automatically think, talk about growing you means learn more stuff, get more skills, do that might be part of it.

You might need to do some of that to grow your business, but actually I'm on about you personally, you know, you, you've got to learn to, you know, to like yourself, to love yourself, to be confident with yourself, to know yourself, to understand who you are. What, what triggers you, what doesn't trigger you, you know, what do you love doing?

What don't you like doing? Because if you don't know any of that stuff and you don't, you know, start to do some of the stuff that you enjoy, your business is never going to give you the fulfillment that you want from your business because the person running it. Is not at their happiest point. So the two, absolutely, to me, can't grow your business if you don't grow alongside it.

And the annoying, I guess, thing is, you're not suddenly going to get to the top of the rope and go, Oh, they're the things, because we're ever changing. It's transient. You know, we grow, we shift, we change, and we should, and that's fine. That's a beautiful part of it. So something you enjoyed a couple of years ago might not give you that fulfillment anymore.

So  when we come back to that, try things you've not tried before. How do you know, don't assume you won't love them or they won't change your life because they just might be 

that thing. Exactly. You don't know if you don't try. So give it a go. And I think this is where it becomes, um, you know, where I suppose our own confidence and belief in ourselves, isn't it, is needed to enable us to say, I've tried it.

I don't like it. I'm not going to do it again. Right. You know, because sometimes you might try something and it might actually do really well, but then you think, you know what? I didn't enjoy that at all. I really didn't enjoy that. And if you don't enjoy something, I honestly believe that in time you will stop doing it well, you'll stop doing it full stop, you'll stop promoting it.

At some point it won't, it won't do as well as it perhaps feels like it's doing at the beginning because your passion won't be behind it. So we just have to know that even if it sells well, you know, if it's a product or a service, if it doesn't feel right, tweak it and change it or don't do it at all if you didn't enjoy it.

You're absolutely right. And it's, I guess, but from my background, I don't do any fitness coaching at all now. I've now, just to make it very clear, I've never done diet plans or bloody, you know, fitness programs and just standard, never, ever done that. But it was about the human. And obviously I promote movement.

One has to move to move energy and keep your body healthy. However,  if you hate going to the gym, I hate all this, get up at five o'clock. If that suits you, great. Right. But if you find your passion through being in your garden and weeding and moving in that way and being outside, and that can be meditation, you know, I'm just trying to explain that it is about helping us to really work out which bits work for us.

So yes, we need outdoors. Yes, we need to get quiet. Yes, we need movement and to be healthy. But those things can be made really tailored to you so it all fits into this part of life, this piece of life that you love. It's not a, I love all this bit but I've got to go and do this.  And no, yes, you still have to do your washing.

Yes, you'll still have to see people you don't like because you might be related to. You know, there's those things that you can cushion though. Yeah, but you know, life, you can cushion those things around. You can bookend them with things you do love. You know, there's strategies to manage.  The stress of your life in that way.

Exactly that. And I think that's a key thing, isn't it? You know, it's not about every single thing that you do is gives you massive pleasure. There is always, as you say, things that we have to do that, you know, the dentist or, you know, there's always something isn't there that we know we have to do, but is it your favorite thing to sit there and have somebody prodding around in your mouth for half an hour?

No, no, of course not. But you know that if you want to keep your teeth healthy, you've got to go through that, um, through that process. So yeah, it definitely has to happen. Okay. So Georgie, it's been an amazing conversation. What I do at the end of the podcast, as you know, is I ask my lovely guests to share with our listeners a top tip that's going to help them with their growth story.

What is your tip?  

Do you know what we touched upon it here? I think my biggest thing is notice your energy. Genuinely.  What do I mean by that? Some things in life you can always be bothered doing. And there are some things in life it feels like you just need a rocket up your behind to make you do it. You just don't enjoy it.

It could be people that you're with, that you feel heavy around, you feel irritated. There could be people that you with that you always feel really joyful or things you're doing, things you're reading, things. Do you understand what I mean? It's tuning into those things and doing more of them in your life.

So if you hate your job, but you have a real passion, maybe it's, I don't know, crocheting. That seems to be popular with my daughter's friends at the moment. No, don't sack off your job immediately and make a business out of crocheting like that. However, What you could do is start having some quiet time doing a bit of crochet and chuck it on Etsy and see how that goes and very slowly start to introduce the thing that you love doing.

And the universe, I believe, has a very beautiful way of making these things happen where you can start to reduce the bits you don't like and follow your passion and just do it slowly, slowly, slowly. That's just an example but you understand what I'm trying to say.  


just because our life looks one way now.

Does not mean that's what the whole of our life has to look like. We can make really small changes if we tune into what makes us feel good. So that's my free tip that's available right now to everyone. 

Brilliant. Love that. Small steps towards where we're going. Love that. Absolutely love that. Okay. So finally, if our listeners want to come and learn more about you and what you do, where is the best place for them to connect with you?

I am Instagram heavy. I would say that's the best place. You can find me at Georgie Shears Strategist. That's S H E A R S. No one can ever spell that. Now, if you have a look on my bio, Because I would normally just give you one link, but I have a few little free things I want to offer you. I offer a free quiz, which will take you less than three minutes.

And you answer a few really simple questions and it will let you know which area of life is stopping you feeling that fulfillment. Is it limiting beliefs? Is it habits? You will get a personalized PDF straight to your inbox after filling that in. That's an invaluable resource that I'd love to give you. 

I also offer a 15 minute chat to anyone because if I can help someone right now in the moment, that's what I want to do. The link's in there for that as well. I don't want to bombard you. You'll just find it all in the bio, but I've also just developed another free tool.  Now hear me out on this. It is a free.

30 day life changing gratitude journal prompts. You're going to go, yeah, yeah, bloody gratitude journals everywhere. But this is different because the reason I've done it, it is 60 completely unique prompts, 30 for the morning, 30 for the evening. You do one in the morning, one at night, but with it comes a whole load of information, really easy to read.

Scientifically backed as to why gratitude helps so much the science behind it, but also what my wish is that it just gets you into a tiny little habit every day. For 30 days you commit to it, A, you've committed to something for 30 days, B, cannot tell you the difference you will feel.  for practicing gratitude, what it does to your brain.

It's unbelievable. So my wish to you is that you take all the things on offer, because if we don't take opportunities, our lives aren't going to change. My other wish is that I get to keep in touch with you. So  do connect with me because I love human beings. I don't know if that came across.  

It sure did.

It absolutely sure did. And just, just for me to add a little bit clout behind, um, Georgie's, um, gratitude journaling piece. Um, when I first stepped out of my old business, you know, the, the monster seven figure business that we don't talk about, but we do, um, you know, when I first stepped away from that business and I hit that point of, Who the hell am I?

You know, I don't even, I know nothing about me. The first thing I decided to try was journaling. I'd never journaled in my life. I thought I'll try journaling because I know I've got loads of stuff going on in here. I need to get it out. Um, and I spent ages doing, going back to that Googling thing to say, What on earth do you journal about?

People say, what do you journal about? So I think that is an absolutely amazing opportunity. You know, if you've never journaled before I hadn't, and I was not one of those people that, that would have just naturally flowed down that route. Um, but I can honestly say that was the thing that really got me started in terms of my, what I call my real growth journey, which is the bit that's happened since I walked away from that business.

So. Take Georgie up on that offer, pop over to her Instagram into her buyer and buyer bio, and get that downloaded.  Thank you so much for joining me today, Georgie. It has been an absolute pleasure 

chatting. The pleasure is honestly been all mine. I could stay here for hours. Thank you so much, Emma. It's been a real pleasure.

My pleasure. And thank you to everybody else for listening. We will see you next time.

You have been listening to Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine. If you want to know more about how I can help you to build your dream business and your dream life, then visit my website emmehine.co.uk. Until next time remember you really can have it all!