Dream Business Dream Life

E14: Utilising True Connections to Grow Your Business

Emma Hine Episode 14

Utilising connections to grow your business is in my opinion a no brainer; but it has to be done authentically.

In today's episode I talk about the importance of building true connections and  explore some of the mistakes I see many business owners making.

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Hello & welcome to Dream Business Dream Life, helping ambitious people, like you, to grow a business they love. 

I’m Emma Hine and I’m on a mission to show you that it is possible to grow a business without sacrificing your life.

 Having experienced the rollercoaster of making millions of pounds, but feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and totally unsuccessful, I know first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms.

 On this podcast I'm going to share with you lots of tips and advice that will enable you to grow a business that gives you the financial freedom to live the life of your dreams while sharing with you some inspirational growth stories from other fabulous business owners.

 Ready to live the dream? Then let’s get stuck in…

Hello & Welcome to today’s episode of Dream Business Dream Life.

 Today I want to talk about building true connections.

Connections that will not only enable help you to grow your business but to put yourself amongst the people that really lift you up, that motivate you and drive you to keep going, even when things are tough.

The sort of connections that I believe are the best sort; the ones that add real value to you and your business. The ones where you add value to there’s too.

Over the last year my business has grown considerably and so have I, and I hand on heart believe that a lot of that is down to me building true connections with the right people.

The right people are not necessarily the ones that everyone wants to be friends with; they are the ones that you have a real connection with. The ones that make you happy and give you positive vibes only.

People tell me they know how important connections are, yet I see so many people, often the same people, not making the most of them and not building them in an authentic way.

Now I am not criticising here; I know why people do what they do. They want sales and they want them fast.

 But it simply does not work that way. 

 Let me give you an example of something I see a lot; I used to do it myself so again I do get it.
  You join lots of facebook groups as you have heard breadcrumbing is a great way to grow your business.

 It does of course work but it is slow and personally I think there are far faster ways to grow your business. And like anything else it only works with strategy behind it.

 So, you’re in lots of Facebook groups, once a week these groups have a promo post so you pop in once a week to leave your links and out you go again…and then onto the next group.

And then nobody buys right?

 Despite you dropping your links in numerous groups for weeks on end nobody buys and it is frustrating.
 That’s because they haven’t got a clue who you are…there’s no like, know, trust so why would they buy?
 I see it in my free group…the people that just comment or pop up when there’s a promo opportunity and I’m absolutely ok with that but I wish they wouldn’t…I wish they’d spend more time engaging in the group, getting seen heard and known…not because I want better metrics but because I know it’ll help them to build their business.
 I get it though…I did the same when I first started this online business; searching out ALL the opportunities to tell people who I am and how I can help them.
 But it didn’t help me grow…well maybe a teeny bit it did but who wants teeny growth?

 And in the meantime, it was exhausting and pretty deflating too.

 People always tell me that they love how I am so well supported by others in this online world and that did not happen by me just posting my links and running off until next time.

 My advice is pick a few groups and really engage with everyone in there, get to know people, help and support people, cheer them on and just say hello.

 I mean who snogs on the first date? 

 How do you feel when you just meet someone and the first thing they say to you is hey buy my thing…here’s the link.

 Not great right?

 The more you get to know people and the more they get to know you the more likely it is you will buy form each other; the more likely you will recommend each other to someone else. The more likely you will be cheerleading for each other which will get you seen way more than a post here and there on a promo thread.

 True connection is about getting to know the person behind the business as well as the business, it’s the full package.

 You will not buy from someone unless you trust them and how can you trust them if you do not know them properly; if all you know is what they sell.

 A true connection should benefit both parties, it is a two-way thing, and I always say you should give more than you take.

 Yep that is right; give more than you take.

 So, you know my thoughts on posting and running…well guess what it is the same at networking groups and events.

 You need to get to know people before you just hit them with your sales pitch.

 If you want to clear a room, then go and shake hands with everyone and hit them with your elevator pitch.

 If you want to make true connections then go and chat to people, yes tell them what you do but ask them what they do as well, ask them about life outside of work and just get to know who they are.

 Connect on socials and keep in touch afterwards. And no, I don’t mean send them all your sales pitches afterwards I mean build that relationship.

 I promise that collaborations and sales will follow but they will follow more naturally, more authentically and way way easier.

 It will reduce overwhelm of trying to build your audience.

 It will make audience growing fun instead of bloody hard work.

 If you look at other people and wish you had the business friendships they have, then my challenge to you is what are you doing to actually build those friendships for yourself.

 Those that you see doing stuff together and supporting each other are only doing it because they have built a true connection by getting to know each other…business dating if you like.

 Even introverts and quiet people can build true connections…I know because I am one of those people, I am rubbish at making small talk, I am the quiet one in a room, but I have so many amazing connections, I just needed to find my way of building them.

 If I could not find the space I needed to build those connections I created it, that is why I host The Growth Event and my local Connect & Collab sessions.

 And the more I did it; the more I connected, the less nervous I became entering new rooms, the more I found conversation easier to start…and easier to continue.

 Like anything else it takes practice but it so worth it.

 In the last year my business has grown tremendously; yes, I still have a long way to go to be where I want to be but it was never a race for me; this time is was about building a business I love and I have been experimenting to find what that looks like.

 But one thing that has become very clear is that I cannot do it alone, I need the right people around me, I need business besties, I need mentors, and I need to be able to keep connecting with new people if I want to keep growing.

 And you do too!

 In this crazy fast paced world, we live in it is easy to get lost in our own little world, analysing data to make our business decisions and often being driven by what we see and read on social media.

 Yes, data is key to making decisions in your business but what data will not give you is personal input unless you go and ask for it.

 Data is driven by facts whereas conversation is often driven by emotion and personal feelings & beliefs.

 Those emotions & feelings are super important as they are the things that help us to get to know people properly; to connect with people and to resonate with them too.

 When people invest in you; they don’t just invest in your services they invest in you.

 You are the thing that makes your business amazing; you are why people buy from you…you!

 So just talking about your services is not enough.

 Connection has enabled me to get more clients which means more money coming into my business; it has enabled me to bring the best speakers to the stage at my events; to collaborate with other business owners and get invited to be a guest expert in other people’s masterminds and being asked to speak on stages and to appear on podcasts.

 Connection has enabled me to make some of the best friends I have ever had; friends that support me, understand me and allow me to just be me.

 Without connection my business would not be growing at the pace it is, I wouldn’t be loving what I am doing as much as I am.

 And one thing that I think it is important to add here is these connections need to be built with everyone that you cross paths with within your business.

 Great connections with your team will lead to a better performing team and a much more motivated team.

 Great connections with your clients will lead to them being more open with you, for being more willing to listen and learn from you. They will also be much more loyal which means repeat business and recommendations will follow.

 Great connections with your suppliers mean you will have a better relationship with them and the better that relationship is the more they will be willing and able to help and support you.

 And of course, great connections with your audience means you will build that like, know trust which will lead to growth within your business; be it more clients, business besties or collaborations and support.

 So, remember snogging on the first date is a no go; get to know people, build those relationships and engage with people beyond just pitching your stuff.

 Your marketing strategy shouldn’t be to pitch and run; it should be to build true connections then you won’t need to pitch!

 So go build those connections…your business, and your bank balance, will thank you for it…I promise!

 Thank you for listening; see you next time…

You have been listening to Dream Business Dream Life with Emma Hine. If you want to know more about how I can help you to build your dream business and your dream life, then visit my website emmehine.co.uk. Until next time remember you really can have it all!