Dream Business Dream Life

Bonus Episode: Anyone Can Do It!

Emma Hine

Today's bonus episode was triggered by a number of things I heard and read this week that I felt the need to talk about.

Anyone can can build the dream business and have the dream life...and it is time we stopped letting others tell us different.

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Hello & Welcome to today’s bonus episode of Dream Business Dream Life. 

I decided when I launched this podcast that if something cropped up, I felt the need to talk about right there and then I would pop in a bonus episode and I am quite excited that this is the first one. 

Also wondering how frequent this will happen as we are only a couple of weeks in.

Anyway, I really felt the need to record this one as I have been saddened by so many conversations I have had and posts I have seen online over the last week or so.

 I warn you this may get a little bit ranty pants.

 First let me tell you about one specific conversation as this was the conversation that kind of got me started with this bout of sadness.

 Now I am paraphrasing here but this is the general flow of the conversation.

 Emma…I love you, but do you not think that by telling everyone you think they can have it all, as in dream business and dream life, you are making people feel inferior when they don’t have it all.

 Me…after a very deep breath simply reply with no why do you think that?

 At this point in my head, I am trying really hard not to go straight into defensive mode as it is important I understand why they are thinking this way.

 Because they may not be the only person thinking that and it is important I get my messaging right.

 The last thing I ever want to do it make anyone feel inferior…in fact my mission is totally the opposite I want everyone to be happy.

 So the conversation continues and they go on to tell me that they are not living their dream life and it makes them envious to see others living there’s, they also said it frustrates them when people say anyone can do it as for years they have been trying and still haven’t got there.

 I get it…that was exactly me a few years ago.

 Now of course they did not just spurt that out, I had to work pretty hard to get then to say it, but we got there and once we had I could go on and explain why I say it and why I believe it too.

 I will share that with you in a minute but first I want to tell you about other things I have seen and heard this week that triggered this episode.

 I’ve seen people sharing their wins and being told that they should not brag about making so much money when others are struggling.

I’ve seen people mocking others for going on holiday; for not drinking alcohol, for being comfortable with their weight and for not taking their own kids to school.

 If you are not earning at least £10k per month you are not running a real business.

 I’ve even heard someone say that not much of what you read online is true…so don’t believe anything you read.

 Now I want to be clear here; growing a business is hard, like really hard but anyone can grow their dream business. Anyone can live their dream life.

 But do you know what stops a lot of people from trying?

 Comments like those I have just shared with you.

 You read something and it puts a little bit of doubt in your mind.

 You struggle to get what you want quickly; it puts a little bit more doubt in your mind.

 You read something else, the doubt gets bigger.

 You see others seemingly doing a much better job than you and the doubt gets even bigger.

 And as soon as you doubt it; you are on the path of not trying, of giving up.

 And certainly, the person I had that conversation with was feeling that way. 

 They had decided that they were stuck in the same routine of exchanging time for money, of constantly hustling for the next sale and for putting work first every time and they felt guilty for this.

So instead of trying to change that they just kept doing it, getting more and more fed up of it as the weeks and months go by.

 Begrudging their business more and more.

 Getting more and more annoyed at other people who are better at it than they are.

 First lesson, others are not better at it, they are simply focussing on the thing that really matters and that is their dream!

 They are not allowing others to stop them doing the things they need to do.

 They are not letting others shape their dream and they are not letting others tell them what they should be doing.

 They are not seeing other successes, other people’s wins as bragging, they are seeing them as inspiration.

 Most importantly they are not stopping themselves from believing in their dream.

 Now let me go back to why I strongly believe every single one of us can live our dream and why I will never stop shouting that from the rooftops regardless of how much noise this online space throws at me.

 Just a few years ago I wanted to end my own life; I was earning lots of money, but I was unhappy.

 I was living the life of the person I thought I needed to be in order to be successful.

 Today, my life could not be different.

 I allowed myself to really get to know what my dream is, and I built a life and a business around that.

 Am I there yet? No, there is still plenty of work to do but I am on the right path and most importantly the path is one I am enjoying so yes it may not be the big dream, but it is certainly a smaller version of the dream and do you know what if this was it for the rest of my days…I would be ok with that.

 I am nobody special, I am just Emma from Leek, an ordinary person, just like you and if I can do it then I absolutely believe you can too.

 But you have to believe in it yourself.

 And you have to be totally honest about what that dream is.

 You can and will have your dream business and your dream life but only you can make it happen.

 So lesson two, is very clear; what others are doing ad saying is of absolutely no interest to you…all you need to focus on is your dream, your business and your life.

 And if you are not living your dream right now; what action can you take today to take the first steps towards it.

 No excuses, no what if or maybes, just what can you do to take step one.

 Any finally lesson three, please be kind…stop trying to bring people down.

 Ok, rant over.

  Thank you for listening; see you next time…