Dream Business Dream Life

E1: What is Success?

Emma Hine Episode 1

In this episode we are going to explore what success really means and why it is so important to know what it means to you.

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Hello & Welcome to today’s episode of Dream Business Dream Life 

Let me start by setting the scene.

My business was turning over 7 figures, I owned the houses and the cars, I got to travel the world. People saw me as successful and often told me I was lucky to have such a successful business, yet I never once felt successful.

Success is not always what it is perceived to be and people that look successful are not always truly successful.

Today I want to dive, headfirst, straight into this.

I want to explore what success actually is verses the things that we often think it is 

So, what is success? 

If you were sat here with me right now and I asked you what success means to you…what would you say?


 Earning at least £100k per year

 Sitting on a beach having cocktails handed to you all day

 Leaving your employed role

Owning a Ferrari

Buying a second home in Florida

These are all things that people have told me when I have asked them that exact question and yes they are all great goals but in isolation are they actually going to make you feel successful.

I think not. Or at least it is unlikely that they will 

What if you had to stop picking the kids up from school to earn your £100 

What if you have to work whilst you are sat on the beach, so the cocktails have to be mocktails or you have to go and sit inside cos it is too sunny to see the screen

What if you are too busy to go to this lovely home you have bought in Florida

You see that was my problem, I had decided that successful people own things therefore in order to be successful I needed to earn lots of money to buy stuff.

But in order to earn that money I had to give up the one thing I really wanted which was freedom.

Freedom to choose what I did, when I did it and who I did it with. 

Yes, I wanted to travel the world and have nice things but not at the expense of having a life.

This is where it is important to get super clear on what success actually means to YOU.

Not just the things it will buy you but the things it will enable you to do and the lifestyle it will enable you to have.

The memories it will enable you to create and the legacy you want to create.

Success by definition according to the oxford dictionary is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

But I don’t think that is enough.

My definition of success is doing and being what makes you happy.

For me success is a feeling, it is not a tangible thing that you can tick off your to do list.

It is not just about reaching a destination it is about enjoying the journey to that destination too.

It is not something you can find when you have more stuff and things in your life.

It is not something that just magically happens when you have accomplished the ‘thing’. I was waiting for this magic to happen for years 

Now I am not saying success does not include some things and stuff, some accomplishments, of course it does but the reality is they will only make you feel successful if the way you earn the money to pay for them is making you happy.

As unhappy people simply do not feel successful.

Only you can decide what success looks like to you as it’s only you that knows what will make you feel complete, feel happy, feel successful.

Your version of success may be totally different to mine and that is absolutely ok; there is no wrong or right here. It is your dream that you are mapping out not mine or your aunty flo’s 

The world would be pretty boring if we all wanted the same things after all.

We simply cannot define success purely by JUST having a certain amount of income or a portfolio of fabulous things such as the Ferrari and the villa in Florida.

To be successful and more importantly to feel successful we have to define what success is for us and that my lovelies is not something you can google.

You have to dig deep and you have to really ask yourself some open and honest questions.

Questions like What truly matters to you? Is it being able to collect the kids from school everyday, is it being able to go on holiday at least twice a year, is it about being able to support a charity with either money or your time…what is it that really matters?

What are the things that ignite your passion? As passion drives consistency and consistency drives growth so loving what you do in life and in business is going to not only give you more joy but enable you to grow so much more too. A win win when it comes to living the dream.

Who do you want in your life? The people you surround yourself are so important so think about who these people are

What do you really want your life to look like, in the future but also today…in the right here and now?

You see this thing we wake up and do every day is life and we want to be enjoying it not hoping that one day it will all magically click into place.

 Things do not magically happen we have to do the right things to make them happen.

And if we do not know what the right things are then how can we make sure we stay on the right path.

I want you to remember that life is a journey and not just a destination; you need to be doing the things you love everyday not just hoping that at some point in the future life will be good.

In my book I have a little exercise and I would like to do that with you now…

Close your eyes. Unless you are driving of course then please do not close your eyes.

I want you to think about your life right now, how do you feel, what can you taste, what can you smell, what noises are surrounding you, what emotions are you feeling. Really think about how your life right now is making you feel.

 Then I want you park that thought and I want to imagine your dream, think about living the life that you want, imagine having the business that you want, I want you to think about all the emotions and the feelings that living the dream is giving you.

Now I want you to be there, be in that dream and I want you to stay there for a while. 

Think about how you feel right now, does it feel good? 

Can you feel the difference? What can you see, hear and smell, use all your senses. Think about the people that surround you, the legacy you are creating. 

 Allow yourself drift off into this new world that you are about to create for yourself…. enjoy it, absorb it!

 It feels amazing right?

Now repeat after me:

“That dream is going to be my reality”

Say it again…

“That dream is going to be my reality”

Now every time this process gets hard, every time you think you cannot do it, I want you to repeat this exercise, I want you to imagine how it feels and I want you to remind yourself that YOU CAN DO IT! I did it, you can too. 

 Ok, you can open your eyes again now…

 Getting crystal clear on what success looks like to you is really important which is why it is how I start working with all my clients, if we do not know where you want to get to then how can we get you there?

The more clarity you can have around what the dream, what success looks like in your world the easier it is to build a business and a life around that.

 In future episodes we are going to explore success and how to get there in much more detail, but for today I just wanted to really get you thinking about your version of success.

Now I know that is a lot for episode one, but I did warn you that I would be raw and honest with you, and I wanted to lay the stall out very clear for you right up front…if we want it all, dream life and dream business we have to know what that really is!

So, I want to send you away with the exact question I opened this episode up with.

What does success mean to you?

Thank you for listening; see you next time…